Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wisconsin's pseudo seismic shakes

No I do not accept the official version of the story of the rare
meteorological events in wisconsin. I feel these may be SOLAR in origin. This will cause radiation to enter the atmosphere at abnormal levels and citizens in the area may be acquiring skin conditions. Yes I know about the granite and it doesn't matter. It's not all granite in these areas...there is ALWAYS more to the story. These occurances are
multi-symptomatic and actually more atmospheric than otherwise mentioned.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Follow -up

I am not a sports fan or a commentator, but when everyone is watching and talking and transfixed on one event I can't help but interject my thoughts, since I do usually see the future pretty well.

I knew NY would win. I can't go into any more details for fear of upsetting Patriots fans. The moment I was ultimately sure came when NY's player #91 held one finger up to the sky, pointing to heaven. From that moment he was a living display of 91-1 with his body language. I knew it was in the bag for them from then on. The heavens were smiling down on them. I can see signs, very visibly. I can not help it if that makes me different.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


(Brief followu-up: On Sunday, 1/23/12 there was a 5.0 quake in the pacific rim islands of Hawaii. We'll see how many others follow suit.)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

More trouble on the horizon

Four (4) Earthquakes on the Way. Mainly four, with a fifth less significant. These four are practically in synchronistic fashion. I don't mean after shocks, I mean stand-alone quakes.

I know when I know.

Watch out Goleta, California and UCSB, you may get shaken up.

Other locations I will post when and if I feel ready to share.

What does it mean when I say "on the way?" It means it will be within roughly the next week or so. Two will be in the middle of the night. One a.m., 11:40 p.m, 2:30 p.m., and 6:00.

Radar "instruments" will show this just beforehand, but I am stating it before hand. Watch the birds in the sky. Just pay attention. A bridge will buckle. I also sense some trouble in Las Vegas.