How To Use This Blog

  This blog was not invented to be an adjunct to any business or name. It is intended to be anonymous. It has come about based upon infrequent occasions wherein some word or phrase will psychically spurt up into my consciousness.  As such is not scrutinized or reflected over to render details, including precise locations.  As often happens, the word I get may just be symbolic, and yet requires further analysis for possibilities of various meanings.  In other words, I am not really trying I am only reporting, or reflecting some unconscious thought process trying to gurgle up to the surface.

  A truly accurate prediction normally takes more focused energy, time and immediate concentration on my part (exception of a message delivered by a dream). On this blog, I do not go "on the record" with my predictions; this is more like my "psychic scribble pad" and appears scrambled because this is unstaged and in rough form.     

  Not that what I write should be ignored outright, however. As you may have read, sometimes I am on the money, and other times the location will be off.  Again, this is only natural and to be expected, because I am not surrendering the full attention required of this process for refinement of various related details.  Anyhow, you are not a customer, you are an observer on my playground.  

   Based upon many of my past predictions (from years past), it is not hyperbole to say I have an occupational calling unlike anybody else that I have read about in recent time.  (Not that they aren't out there...I am a virtual unknown myself.) As a gifted psychic, these are just like little leaks, that spring out of my (ESP) ducts from time to time.  Due to the very informal nature of this format, there can be no right or wrong in my postings.  It is an exercise only, though probably should not be considered meaningless and trivial.  I am not here to be graded, judged or critiqued.  Period. If that is what your self-righteous mind is after, than you need to find some other unfortunate psychic to try to sink your incisors into.  

  Our perceptions are meant to shield us from disaster in our environment.  Though mine have been known to work in overdrive, I am still human, after all.  To "play it safe" and keep my mouth shut, as many other modern women probably would, would probably not be safe for anyone.  If I could just have the last word, this involves protection, where lives are at stake.  I don't take a chance whether I'm right this time or not. I just say what comes to my mind.