Thursday, January 26, 2012


(Brief followu-up: On Sunday, 1/23/12 there was a 5.0 quake in the pacific rim islands of Hawaii. We'll see how many others follow suit.)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

More trouble on the horizon

Four (4) Earthquakes on the Way. Mainly four, with a fifth less significant. These four are practically in synchronistic fashion. I don't mean after shocks, I mean stand-alone quakes.

I know when I know.

Watch out Goleta, California and UCSB, you may get shaken up.

Other locations I will post when and if I feel ready to share.

What does it mean when I say "on the way?" It means it will be within roughly the next week or so. Two will be in the middle of the night. One a.m., 11:40 p.m, 2:30 p.m., and 6:00.

Radar "instruments" will show this just beforehand, but I am stating it before hand. Watch the birds in the sky. Just pay attention. A bridge will buckle. I also sense some trouble in Las Vegas.