Monday, March 16, 2015

India: rapeland

If they won't stop raping then stop traveling to India. An assault against one woman is an assault against all. I see fires occurring in India and destruction, deep and lengthy, the citizens going without water. This is the lesson. God will find a way to rape them back. Karma Some are caught in the crossfire, but if this is how bad its become there is nowhere to run for cover. Sometimes God makes a big statement.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sticks and Stones

The face of evil. Of all the news stories I have watched over the past year or so, this story is the worst to me. What darkness accompanies a human being to escort her husband, Tsarnaev, through a shopping center to purchase equipment to kill innocents in her own country of origin? I'm speaking of the 6 pressure cookers used to cripple a section of humanity achieving fair-minded goals that took years to prepare for. In Boston. I feel with more than 100% certainty she knew what her husband had planned. SHE HAS NO RIGHT. Katharine Russell Tsarnaev: The world's most despicable woman. Infamy itself is even undeserving of her. I wish her removed from American soil. She is polluting the consciousness of our freedoms. She is a co-conspirator. She is just as guilty even though her fingers didn't set off a device. While she is disingenously free I wonder is she at least banned from shopping at Macy's? If you are a relative, friend or witness of anyone elses plans to carry out similar actions you should report it immediately. These actions only defame Allah. No one can break the American system; sticks and stones. The only way to make a lasting difference is to change the system through non-confrontational means. And many people work to bring about fairness and equality. I'm sorry for every victim that suffered that day and even sorrier to see this traitor mastermind of abuse footloose, "guarded" by the feds with mommy and daddy trying to cover for "precious" from getting a bad rap in the media. That doesn't hold water with me. Face your justice. Face your victims.