Monday, March 16, 2015

India: rapeland

If they won't stop raping then stop traveling to India. An assault against one woman is an assault against all. I see fires occurring in India and destruction, deep and lengthy, the citizens going without water. This is the lesson. God will find a way to rape them back. Karma Some are caught in the crossfire, but if this is how bad its become there is nowhere to run for cover. Sometimes God makes a big statement.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sticks and Stones

The face of evil. Of all the news stories I have watched over the past year or so, this story is the worst to me. What darkness accompanies a human being to escort her husband, Tsarnaev, through a shopping center to purchase equipment to kill innocents in her own country of origin? I'm speaking of the 6 pressure cookers used to cripple a section of humanity achieving fair-minded goals that took years to prepare for. In Boston. I feel with more than 100% certainty she knew what her husband had planned. SHE HAS NO RIGHT. Katharine Russell Tsarnaev: The world's most despicable woman. Infamy itself is even undeserving of her. I wish her removed from American soil. She is polluting the consciousness of our freedoms. She is a co-conspirator. She is just as guilty even though her fingers didn't set off a device. While she is disingenously free I wonder is she at least banned from shopping at Macy's? If you are a relative, friend or witness of anyone elses plans to carry out similar actions you should report it immediately. These actions only defame Allah. No one can break the American system; sticks and stones. The only way to make a lasting difference is to change the system through non-confrontational means. And many people work to bring about fairness and equality. I'm sorry for every victim that suffered that day and even sorrier to see this traitor mastermind of abuse footloose, "guarded" by the feds with mommy and daddy trying to cover for "precious" from getting a bad rap in the media. That doesn't hold water with me. Face your justice. Face your victims.

Friday, February 20, 2015

War crimes

If there is a madman bent on nuclear destruction he must be stopped. And here is the need for Snipers. I have recently wondered about the adage, "I don't support the war but I support our troops." It is not possible to do both. You could never support your troops if they are going to be harmed in a dastardly duty outside of their own control. I see Saddam Hussein and the Sniper as one and the same. Each had a kill order. Each on a different side, believing he was right and justified. In the end no one has control of a gun. And in the end no one has control over his own soil. And anyone can lay down arms. If it were me in that situation I would pray for our troops to end a war that was inspired by a dictator's musings. Many wounded mothers out there. But I have met military people, the ones trained to "do as your told," this is your life and cause now and don't try to reason with your command. And they simply are so indoctrinated and bonded to their batalians that it is unlikely for the inner poet in them to come out and shake hands. Like gang members. (And I am sorry for those who have come back to their country disabled who paid the price of being heroes to a lost cause.) It is interesting how throughout time our loyalties always get flipped. First we're aiding Afghanistan, then we're invading Afghanistan. Etc,etc... I wonder who it will be in the future. Which countries, currently neutral, turn against one another for territory and control of resources? It seems like everyone is soldiering up so it's due fairly soon I would imagine. Diplomacy does not seem to be taking an effective course. Peace to all. It may be a long shot, but it's worth the supportive framework.

The stiches in our story

The moral of this human story is that when one of us bleeds we all bleed. Needless, senseless violence is just such. The ultimate achievement for mankind will not be in erecting monolithic gunship fortresses that cower in the light of any peaceful progress But in loving one another for each and every difference we have The ultimate answer to God is similar; that we accept one another no matter how much we've been trained by societal ignorance to be intolerant. This is your Test of Faith. Can you do that? Or is your slingblade hypotcritcal? Politeness and understanding could restore mankind eventually. We are all children of God. We have an identity separate, but equal. We must restore this to a compassionate place because when you hurt one another, if you do have religious faith, you should see you hurt God, tremendously Because God has given you so much to work with to create justice through means that do not involve sacrifice I don't like kids running the playground either, we are and it's up to us to behave And, God is watching all you Angels for better or worse. Behave in the shining light of God, the merciful to show your true faith. Don't duplicate the pains that are already done. They can never be undone. So how strong can you reach to this vantage point? Once you see the light you can realize the power that can shine through your heart forever, unbroken. This is the promise of God No need to worry about vengeance. Because God has a plan already in place. It will be conducted regardless of our actions. I've seen these kinds of destinies take place again and again.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Defend liberty with cool refrain

I am not Charlie. I can draw the line at “Free Speech” in this regard as the satirical magazine is sold for profit, not to promote a cause in and of itself. What are they chiefly hoping to advance through one of the most delicate freedoms we hold dear, the freedom of speech? The shock value is not a legitimate defense or cause justifying the means. His magazine's "speech" was not free for the innocent bystanders or shoppers at a racially sensitive market. They paid for his so-called “Free Speech.” It is more like ignorance wholesale to me. Maybe it's cloaked in the manner of the word humor, but it only served to instigate “sleeper cells.” I see this ill-contrived “satire” as not being too different from burning the Quran. Some things are better left unsaid: Why.Who.What.Where?... When lives are at stake. I am an American. I only seek to be sensible and defend the innocent. In this case those who will be hurt as a result of satire leaning too far beyond reproach. Terror is never justified, I can never condone violence as a solution and in a like minded sense I do not support actions of those who only serve to throw a match onto a tinder keg, causing waves of violence as a result, as this publishing scenario in certain ways does infringe on the rights of others. Their sense of moral justice and dignity. Is it funny to cause more pain? Should satire stain? I believe in light of the current atmosphere worldwide it is obscene and a moral outrage. Live and let live, but don’t ask for it. There are unspoken levers to the freedom of speech that must be kept at bay. A namesake, a big cover is not a shield for all who live in the jurisdiction from where it is sold. I do feel sorry for France. I think they are after sustaining something inherently good, but it's in how it's being wielded that creates a loose cannon upon exhibition. The moral to this story: There isn’t one. All people seek an equal sense of belonging and justice of their strongly-held rights and beliefs. These have to be weighed against each other carefully to keep the peace in a civil society. One wrong doesn’t make one right, either way around. It all sickens me.